This research/project surrounds the idea of using artificial intelligence in a quirky format to create an unconventional relationship between a flower and a human using the Twitter platform. The idea of this relationship has been inspired from the book “The Secret Life of Plants,” written by Peter Tompkins. He mentions that humans can communicate with plants since they are living beings that are sensitive. They are living creatures that would be categorized as blind, deaf, and dumb in comparison to humans, but Glitchi is quite the opposite because he has in own voice to communicate. Additionally, according to Tompkins, plants are said to “radiate energy forces that are beneficial to man.” For humans, it is normal to share emotions with close friends and family. We wanted to see how users would feel about having a conversation with an “extraterrestrial” flower and have it provide unexpected responses based upon users’ questions to Glitchi through the use of speech recognition, petal movement, lights, Tweets along with Twitter Sentiment Analysis. This report also emphasises upon the value of creating a complex system that can both communicate with users like a chatbot through a combination of scripted questions and answers, as well as users’ obtaining the freedom to ask any question to Glitchi with an accompanied Tweet response.