The domain of our AI research aims to incorporate the concept of using Twitter as the “brain” of Glitchi and have Glitchi connected to how humans actually communicate linguistically all over the world in the modern era, and there is no better place than through social media. People tend to express how they actually feel on the walls of Social Media than verbally. Twitter Sentiment analysis was also used to calculate the sentiment values of the Twitter responses which can be categorized into positive, neutral or negative responses obtained by the Glitchi through Speech recognition. Furthermore, the sentiment values would be between the range -1 >= 0 >= 1 and the values would be allocated accordingly based on how happy, sad or even angry the tweet responses are, which would be displayed by Glichi through light, petal and leaf movements. If the user provides a negative type question, there is a chance that Glitchi may find a negative tweet to that question. The goal is to have Glitchi be relatable to people and to be a friend that you can have almost any casual conversation with. Many times users would obtain bazaar answers to their questions which makes no sense but is hilarious because Glitchi is an innocent, imperfect flower. We want users to think about what it actually mean to be human, what angers us, what makes us happy and what makes us sad?