Hi Glitchi :)
AI, Speech Recognition, Emotions, Expressions, Interaction, Twitter, Movement, Organic, Unconventional
Glitchi is a robot, who is an intelligent being, originally from a galaxy 27 million light years from earth called Sunflower Galaxy. He resided on the planet called HelianthusX, where all the entities (highly intelligent beings) on the planet expressed only one emotion, happiness. Negative emotions such as sadness and anger have not existed on the planet for the past millennium. Therefore, there are no problems on the planet HelianthusX, like we have here on earth such as poverty, war, crime, pollution, and climate issues. It is a world where all of the beings were programmed/created in a way that they would maintain “perfect” social structures. This was all true except for Glitchi, who was quite different from the rest. He expressed an array of human-like emotions which was out of the perfect societal norm of the planet, since human emotions are known to be quite unpredictable sometimes, no one understood him, and were afraid of him. He himself did not really understand these different emotions or how to manage them. As a result, Glitchi, a robot from a different planet, comes to planet Earth to find out why he is so different from the others from his planet. He learns that expressing different emotions is normal on Earth by listening to the stories of humans. Therefore, based upon our prototype presentation, the goal is to make Glitchi communicate with the user, listen to the user and respond to the user in regard to their (the users) responses that relates to the analyzed sentiment values. Glitchi will also express its emotions through its facial expression, in other words, it would "imitate" what the user feels.
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